Woman Explains Why Millenial and Gen Z Employees Are Quitting Their Jobs
With the word "recession" being used everywhere in the media, you'd think more people would be scared to quit their jobs and instead would opt for the stability of employment.
But according to one TikToker, Millenial and Gen Z employees aren't afraid to quit.
The Times, They Are A Changin'

It has been in recent years, starting in 2020, that people realized life was too short to be stuck in a soul-sucking job.
Why work somewhere that you don't enjoy?
Meet Gabby, AKA Corporate Quitter

Gabby is a TikToker who talks about the corporate world.
Gabby posted a viral video saying, "despite the recession and the past two years of craziness, people don't care and are still quitting their jobs."
The Bloomberg Article

In her TikTok video, Gabby goes on a passionate and wild rant while she references a Bloomberg article with the title,
"People Keep Quitting Their Jobs Even as Recession Fears Mount."
What is The Great Resignation

Over the past few years, millions of people have quit their jobs to focus on their mental health.
Ontop of that, they began looking for a job that feels fulfilling and gives them time to themselves.
The Great Resignation Continues

According to the Bloomberg article, 4.4 Americans voluntarily left their jobs in April 2022, and the trend has no signs of slowing down.
And these have been the highest levels in figures going back to 2000.
What Matters?

Gabby goes on to say, "We've reached a breaking point again; people don't care, money doesn't matter, focusing on your career doesn't matter..."
"...The only thing that matters is my mental health!"
"I Would Rather Sell My Toenails..."

Finishing her rant, Gabby says,
"I would rather sell my toenails or used clothes or do anything else in the world than sit at a corporate job ever again in my life."
Other Brave Job Quitters

Many commenters gave their reasons for recently quitting, "I quit mine last month. Tired of working like a slave."
And another commenter says, "I just quit my stressful job with no plan. Like, cooperate 9-5s are not worth it!!"
Good Reasons For Quitting

Other commenters shared their beliefs, "If they don't raise your pay, might as well quit. Inflation is robbing us."
And saying, "...The fear of a recession is not as bad as being in a toxic work environment."
One Commenter Shared Her Story

This commenter gave TikTok a look into her life as one of the millions of Americans who quit their jobs in April.
This comment really shows the priorities of the working class.
How Can People Afford To Quit?

Meanwhile, some commenters are curious about how people can feel safe quitting, "y'all quitting OBVIOUSLY have someone supporting you."
And things like, "Are these people living with their parents? Who's paying their rent? I can't quit and risk being homeless.. make it make sense to me, please."
Gabby's Initial Goals With TikTok

Gabby originally made TikTok content to tell people the highs and lows of quitting and getting into the entrepreneur world.
With so many people making TikTok videos saying, "you can make an easy 6-figures with this job in no time!" Gabby wanted to show the real struggles.
Gabby's New Goals

Gabby's goals have changed now.
After the craziness the world has gone through, her new goal is to find different and crazy ways for people to make money without being tied to a 9-5 job!
Gabby's Follow Up Video

In a follow-up video, Gabby says she is proud that so many Americans are still quitting their jobs.
The numbers show that over four million Americans every month have quit their jobs over the past 11 months.
Part of A Rebellion

Gabby captions her follow-up video with, "being part of a rebellion sure is somethin' else."
She says she's excited about what is happening but also concerned because everything is so crazy!
Phoenix Rising

In this follow-up video, Gabby says she thinks eventually something will break, and things will probably get worse.
But she thinks that after things get worse, the working class will rise like a phoenix.
The Top Of The Food Chain

Gabby says this will eventually make CEOs and others at the top of the food chain feel the sting of financial burden.
So much so that they won't be able to pay for their luxuries.
Eye Opening Comments

One commenter on this video says it best,
"I think everybody's tired of the higher-ups making 30 million as a bonus, and they act like your $1 raise is a gift."
Mental Health

The overall issue that has been pushing the Great Resignation is mental health.
People need to take time to themselves to be happy and focus on their mental health, but are finding typical 9-5 jobs with bosses that don't care about them, are not helping, and are the problem.
Corporate Quitter Podcast

To hear more of what Gabby has to say about this topic, listen to her podcast called, Corporate Quitter.
Here she discusses ways to make money if you're not in a soul-sucking corporate job!